a. preventing contractures.
b. decreasing inflammation and preserving joints.
c. strengthening bones and muscles.
d. all of the above.
Correct Answer:- d. all of the above.
Question #2. Finger-Nose test is done to elicit the damage of _________.
C:-Spinal nerves
D:-Medulla oblongata
Correct Answer:- B:-Cerebellum
a. Pneumonia.
b. heart attacks.
c. vitamin C deficiency.
d. all of the above.
Correct Answer:- d. all of the above.
Question #4:-Chicken pox is a __________ disease.
Correct Answer:- D:-Viral
Question #5. Which of the following will not put undue strain onto the back?
a. crossing one’s legs.
b. lifting with the knees.
c. slouching.
d. twisting the back while moving patients.
Correct Answer:- b. lifting with the knees.
Question #6. Before performing any procedure a nurses’ aide must:
a. identify the patient
b. wash your hands
c. explain the procedure
d. all the above.
Correct Answer:- d. all the above.
Question #7:-Rheumatic fever is diagnosed by _________ test.
A:-Widal test
B:-ASO titer
C:-RA Factor
D:-None of the above
Correct Answer:- B:-ASO titer
Question #8. Drainage bags from urinary catheters should always:
a. be kept below the level of the bladder.
b. have clear urine, without sediment.
c. have their output measured.
d. a and b.
Correct Answer:- b. have clear urine, without sediment.
Question #9. Which of the following should be reported immediately?
a. A blood pressure of 90/40
b. A pulse of 90
c. Respirations of 15
d. Temperature of 99.4
Correct Answer:- a. A blood pressure of 90/40
A:-Electron Emission Graph
B:-Electrically Emitted Gamma rays
C:-Electro Cardio Gram
D:-Electro Encephalo Gram
Correct Answer:- D:-Electro Encephalo Gram